With an Unsecured Loan from Progressive Money, you could borrow up to £15,000 without having to offer any security, such as your house. You have to be a home owner to be eligible. Our simple and transparent Unsecured Personal Loans may be a suitable option for those who need extra funding, but don’t want to borrow against their property.
With our Unsecured Loan Calculator, you can quickly work out your monthly repayments based on the amount you’re looking to borrow, and the time period over which you’d like to make your repayments.
Simply use the sliders to the right or click the ‘No Obligation Quote’ button to begin your Unsecured Loan application.
Our Unsecured Personal Loans allow customers to borrow up to £15,000 without offering security, such as a house or car, as long as they are a home owner. These are what many people consider to be a more personal loan, with which lenders borrow money under the agreement that they pay back the loan within a certain timeframe, usually at monthly intervals.
As with all loans, it’s important to consider all loan options based on your needs, affordability, credit rating and criteria before you decide which loan is best for you. For more information and help with Unsecured Loans, call our expert advisors on 0161 814 9383
Unsecured Loans from Progressive Money may be ideal for some customers for several reasons. Firstly, there’s the benefit of not having to borrow against your property, often homes or high-value vehicles (we do require that customers own their own property, however, we don’t use it as collateral in this instance).
Secondly, our Unsecured Loans can sometimes be quick and are often flexible. With Progressive Money, customers can use Unsecured Loans to borrow up to £15,000 and pay it back over 18 months to 10 years.
Our loans may be ideal for those who have a poor credit history, as we look at more than just your credit score. We take the time to understand your situation to find the best borrowing solution for you.
An Unsecured Loan can be used for almost any purpose, from purchasing a new vehicle, home renovations and improvements, to consolidating outstanding loans into one simple and convenient monthly payment. We’re able to lend up to £15,000 with our Unsecured Loans, providing an opportunity for those looking to finance the purchase of a new car, or book that wedding and honeymoon.
The process of applying for an Unsecured Loan is often quick, simple and straightforward. You can use our simple calculator above to work out the total monthly repayments and start your application. Alternatively, call our expert advisors 0161 814 9383 for help or more information.
As with all loans, our Unsecured Loans do have a certain set of requirements and criteria that we check for before deciding if a customer is suitable for this particular kind of loan.
These include (but are not limited to):
Credit History: We do take credit history into consideration before lending. This includes any outstanding debt the customer may have, as well as their history of repaying past loans and finance arrangements.
Employment & Income: We also review a customer’s employment status and history. A customer’s income is simply an indication that they can make the necessary monthly repayments, and the amount they are looking to lend is realistic based on their monthly income.
Homeowner: Unlike a Homeowner Loan we do not use the customers home as security. However, we do require you to be a homeowner and living in your property. This simply demonstrates their financial security, and ability to pay for and maintain their financial commitments.
At Progressive Money we may be able to help. We look at more than just your credit history, we look at the whole picture, taking you and your individual circumstances into account. This approach has set up apart from other lenders and has already allowed us to help thousands of people get the help they need.
If you’re looking to improve your credit rating in order to take out an Unsecured Loan, see our guide for tips on how to improve your credit score
If you’re looking to apply for an Unsecured Loan now, the best place you can start is by using our quick and simple loan calculator above. Here, you can use the sliders to set the amount you’re looking to borrow (between £1,000 and £15,000) and the term over which you’re looking repay the loan (from 18 months to 10 years) to find out how much your monthly repayments could be.
Alternatively, for more information, help or advice, or simply to begin the application over the phone, you can call our expert advisors 0161 814 9383.
A no guarantor loan is a type of personal loan that does not need to be undersigned by someone else. A guarantor can help you get a loan by promising to take on the payments if you can’t make them. But with a no guarantor loan, you don’t need to ask someone else to take on that responsibility.
Read moreIf you’re struggling to keep up with payments on a number of debts, a debt consolidation loan lets you borrow money to merge them into a single monthly repayment. It helps reduce the number of monthly outgoings and means you can get a better handle on your finances.
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