Ten Easy Commuting Money Saving Tips – Clean & Clear Guide to Money
They say a penny saved is a penny earned, so let’s get money saving. Just a few tweaks to your lifestyle can save you hundreds of £££’s a year!
1. Do a Peter Kaye! – If you can, car share. It’s warmer and friendlier than the bus, plus there’s somebody to join in on those car pool duets – Money saving!
2. Sign up for a travel season ticket. If you are paying daily, you’ll be paying top dollar! There are big savings to be had by paying weekly, monthly or even annually for your public transport.
3. Hunt around for your parking spot – just because you’ve always parked there, it doesn’t mean it’s the cheapest place(except if it’s already free!). Just think if you can save £1 a day, that could 4. mount up to a couple of hundred quid across the year. Check out justpark.com – Money saving!
4. If the suns out, why not get the bike out, or even walk? You’ll be burning off the calories too whilst you save the pound notes!
5. Use a budget airline. Thanks to the internet, the days of having to book a package holiday are over. You can save a fortune by booking yourself onto one of the budget airlines and arranging your own hotel!
6. Book train tickets well in advance and you can pay a fraction of the price compared to booking on the day. It’s not always possible, but it you can plan ahead, you’ll be in the money!
7. Petrol prices can vary tremendously from forecourt to forecourt. As a general guide supermarkets tend to be cheaper, but make sure you avoid the motorway service stations. Fill up in advance!
8.Plan your night out to hit the last bus, tram, train or tube back from town – you’ll save big bucks in taxi fares.
9. Use your cars air con wisely – using your air con increases your fuel costs, it’s a lot cheaper to open the window and feel the wind in your hair.
10. If you regularly use a supermarket for your fuel, make sure you pick up a loyalty card – the points add up quicker than you’d think and you can treat yourself for nothing!